Our March markets were held on Sun 24th between 9am and 1pm (note the new time for 2019).
Fletch and David cooked up a delicious camp oven lamb, damper and rotisseried veges at the Markets in March. We had lots of visitors come along and say G’Day and many tried some damper cooked on hot coals.
Our Stallholder of the Month for March was Emubob Tea - click the link below to find out more about this great local business!
Fletch and David cooked up a delicious camp oven lamb, damper and rotisseried veges at the Markets in March. We had lots of visitors come along and say G’Day and many tried some damper cooked on hot coals.
Our Stallholder of the Month for March was Emubob Tea - click the link below to find out more about this great local business!